Hilton Anaheim

777 Convention Way, Anaheim, 92802, CA

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Hilton Anaheim sits just steps away from Disneyland Resort. The hotel is a great choice for families who want a central location close to many area attractions and family-friendly amenities. The Hilton usually offers Disneyland packages, so families can receive gift cards or hotel bonuses. Other nearby attractions include Huntington Beach, golf courses and Knott’s Berry Farm theme park. At the hotel, there is a Starbucks, a Food Court and Mix Restaurant, which serves Californian cuisine. Seasonally, guests can use the Gazebo Bar & Grill, as well. There is also a large pool that will attract children and a basketball court for older kids. Rooms and suites at the Hilton are newly renovated, complete with flat-screen televisions and premium cable. Kid’s Nite Out is a certified in-room nanny service that enables parents to go out on the town without worrying about the kids.

Our Editor Loves

  • Pool
  • Kid's Nite Out nanny service
  • Onsite restaurants

Family Interests

  • Theme Park

Family Amenities

  • Babysitting
  • Cribs
  • Kids' Theme Meals
  • Laundry
  • Onsite Dining
  • Pool


Outstanding Full Service Hotel

by _curtishill1954

Our family came to celebrate a 21st birthday while visiting Disneyland.

The hotel is outstanding. A big full service hotel that fits any need. Great place to stay. Loved it.

We ate breakfast every morning at "Mix" and it has a great buffet. You can also order from the menu. The 5th floor pool is awesome.

The staff is professional and friendly. Great overall experience.

Bed Bugs. Nice staff.

by CoddiwompLynn

I was here for the SWE conference for work. They had lost my reservation and it took me an hour to track down the info and personnel to get it corrected making me late for a dinner meeting. They placed me in an average looking room and I thought nothing of it until I woke up with bites on my legs and feet. I reported it, filled out paperwork and checked out leaving to stay with family. They didn't call me until the NEXT DAY to tell me the room tested positive for "an infestation" which after a little pushing they admitted meant BED BUGS. Yup. Those buggers. And I was still getting bit THIS MORNING (on my neck, face, and arms) meaning they were in my clothes or luggage or shoes. Now everything I own is being heat treated by the hotel (which takes hours), I am wearing my boyfriend's clothes and my aunt is considering burning down her house rather than dealing with an infestation. Security and hotel management were really kind and tried their best but this is a nightmare to me and is delaying my vacation. The points they promised won't take affect for another week and no one who I had arranged to stay with wants to deal with an infestation which I can't blame them for. 10/10 would not recommend unless you ask them to test the room before your stay.